
PKA membership in ENQA reconfirmed!

23 February 2014
23 February 2014, Komentarze 0

In November 2013 the Polish Accreditation Committee, in line with its Statutes regulations, underwent a cyclical external review of its activity. Pursuant to the procedure defined by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), PKA has submitted a self – evaluation report and then underwent an on – site evaluation performed by an international team of experts chaired by prof. Galina Motova. The key aim of abovementioned ENQA procedure is to show if accreditation agencies comply sufficiently with the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG).

– Since the previous external review in 2008 PKA has grown into a more mature institution and one which is much more responsive than before. It has taken the lead in helping to create a climate in which the quality of education is a paramount concern, and has gradually gained recognition for its contribution to quality enhancement in Polish higher education. – experts stated in the summary of the site – visit report.

We are proud to inform that on the February 19, 2014, ENQA board, on the basis of opinion formulated by the international panel of experts, reconfirmed full membership of PKA in ENQA.