Please find below a list of quality assessment that are scheduled for 12 – 19 May.
- 12 – 13 May:
- “philology” provided by Institute of Humanities of the Bronisław Markiewicz State Higher School of Technoloy and Economics in Jarosław,
- na Wydziale Maszyn Roboczych i Transportu Politechniki Poznańskiej (ocena instytucjonalna),
- 12 – 14 May:
- at the Faculty of Machines and Transportation of the Poznan University of Technology (institutional assessment),
- 14 – 15 maja:
- “aviation and cosmonautics” provided by Faculty of Mechatronics and Aeronautics of the Military Technical Academy in Warsaw,
- “mechatronics” provided by Faculty of Mechatronics and Aeronautics of the Military Technical Academy in Warsaw,
- “sculpture” provided by Faculty of Sculpture of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk,
- 15 – 16 maja:
- “biology” provided by Pomeranian University in Słupsk,
- “informatics and econometrics” provided by Faculty of Informatics and Electronic Economy of the Poznań University of Economics,
- 15 – 17 maja:
- at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Poznan University of Medical Sciences (institutional assessment),
- 16 – 17 maja:
- “pedagogy” provided by Branch Faculty in Bydgoszcz of the University of Computer Sciences and Skills in Łódź,
- 17 – 18 maja:
- “international economic relations” provided by Faculty of International Business and Economics of the Poznań University of Economics,
- 18 – 19 maja:
- “pedagogy” provided by Branch Faculty in Opatówek of the University of Computer Sciences and Skills in Łódź.