on the publication of reviews and resolutions adopted by the Presidium of the Polish Accreditation Commitee in the opinion-making process regarding the establishment of a university and granting permission to conduct studies in a specific field, level and profile.
We would like to kindly inform you that from September 24, 2018, the Commitee publishes reviews and resolutions adopted by the PKA Presidium in the opinion-giving process regarding the establishment of the university and granting the right to conduct studies in a specific field, level and profile. Resolutions and reviews are published on the website of the Commitee, after receiving from the office supporting the minister in charge of higher education, the content of the decision in the relevant matters referred to above.
The Polish Accreditation Commitee, guided by the social good, and in particular the responsibility towards stakeholders, shows particular attention to maintaining the quality standards of education in the European Higher Education Area. In particular, the Polish Accreditation Committee strives for full compliance with the European standards and guidelines for quality assurance in EHEA (ESG 2015) set out in parts 2 and 3, as well as the agency’s compliance with equivalent EQAR standards. In order to meet these standards, it is necessary to publish reviews and resolutions adopted by the Presidium of the PKA in the opinion-giving process. The Polish Accreditation Committee considers transparency as one of the main elements of improving the quality of higher education in Poland.