In accordance with the statement on the publication of reviews and resolutions adopted by the Presidium of the Polish Accreditation Committe in the opinion-giving process, which was posted on the website of the Committe on September 20, 2018. below we publish the first collection of documentation containing seven reviews and resolutions. At the same time, we kindly inform you that subsequent reviews and resolutions will be published successively in the following weeks.
The first set of reviews and resolutions adopted by the Presidium of PKA in the opinion-giving process was published on the website of the Commission on October 16, 2018 and is available here.
In accordance with the statement on the publication of reviews and resolutions adopted by the Presidium of the Polish Accreditation Committe in the opinion-giving process, which was posted on the website of the Committe on September 20, 2018. We publish the third set collection of documentation – Opinions and Resolutions taken by the PKA Presidium in 2018 are available here.