The Polish Accreditation Committee giving full consideration to common good and specifically accountability towards stakeholders demonstrates particular care for maintaining high standards of activities related to quality assurance in European Higher Education Area.
The Committee adopts pro-quality approach in all activities it undertakes. Furthermore, the Committee sets quality goals as it recognises constant improvement of relevant factors that form parts of applied Quality Management System as its obligation.
The overarching goals of the Committee stipulated in the Quality Policy are as follows:
- effective and efficient realisation of tasks laid down in Law on Higher Education, as well as mission and strategic goals of PKA,
- efficient allocation of resources allowing for highest possible level of realisation of processes,
- constant development of human resources through systematic improvement of competences of members of PKA, experts and other persons contributing to the Committee,
- promotion of ethical and pro-quality behaviours, professionalism and objectivity in undertaken activities,
- establishment and further development of frameworks of debate with academic circles and its environment,
- assurance of transparency of both PKA’s activities and their results through complex information policy.
These goals are applied through following activities:
- implementation of process approach to quality management of the Committee,
- correct planning and monitoring of tasks,
- application of procedures and initiation of new proposals improving quality of undertaken activities,
- enabling members of PKA, external experts and other persons contributing to PKA’s activities to develop their competences,
- identification of qualitative and quantitative changes related to Quality Managements System,
- performing cyclical review of Quality Management System,
- ensuring proper transfer of information to internal and external stakeholders.
The current activities of the Polish Accreditation Committee are governed by the Quality Policy as far as goals and tasks are concerned.