The Polish Accreditation Committee evaluates quality of education in specific fields of study and at a specific level and profile of studies (programme assessment).
Programme evaluation – evaluation of the quality of education at individual programmes
Mode of selecting programmes – schedule for a given academic year (adopted by the PKA in the previous academic year) covers fields and levels of study for which at least one of the following statements is true:
- the expiration of previous evaluation is closing in,
- the full cycle of education has been finished,
- there are other reasons to conduct the assessment,
- justified motion of the minister responsible for higher education has been submitted,
- PKA approved a motion of to conduct an evaluation submitted by HEI.
Detailed criteria are laid down in the annexes to the Statutes of the Polish Accreditation Committee.
Scale of assessment:
- outstanding assessment awarded for 8 years, positive assessment awarded for 6 years. The consecutive evaluation may be conducted earlier if there are justified reasons to do so ;
- conditional assessment – the next evaluation will be conducted within a time span indicated in the resolution of PKA, usually in the following academic year;
- negative assessment.
Conditions for awarding assessments are laid down in the attachment to the Statutes of PKA:
- outstanding assessment – at least 50% of the criteria, including those described in points 1, 2, 4 and 7 are rated at least “outstanding” and the rest of the criteria – at least “fully”;
- positive assessment – at least 50% of the criteria, including those described in points 1, 2, 4 and 7 are rated at least “fully” and the rest at least “satisfying”;
- conditional assessment – at least 50% of the criteria, including those described in points 1, 2, 4 and 7 have to be rated at least “satisfying” and the rest – at least “partially”;
- negative assessment – awarded if criteria for conditional assessment have not been met.
- Full scope in the case of first evaluation of a given programme, level and profile of study, when expiration of previous evaluation is closing in or when an application of a HEI to evaluate given programme has been approved;
- Scope resulting from the justification of previously awarded conditional assessment, motion of the minister responsible for higher education or – in a case of suspending of the authorisation to provide degree programmes in a given field of study and at a given level and profile of study – dependent on the justification for previous negative assessment of PKA and a decision of the minister responsible for higher education or grounds for staging evaluation before the expiration of the previous one (or finishing of a full cycle of education within a given programme).
- outstanding assessment – additional state budget subsidies may be earmarked for the basic organisational unit of the HEI for the promotion of quality;
- conditional assessment – the follow – up procedure is implemented providing for submitting a report on corrective measures taken, including other changes introduced between the assessments, a follow-up site visit and the evaluation of compliance with the recommendations;
- negative assessment – the minister responsible for higher education, who in particular takes into account the type and scope of shortcomings reported, may withdraw or suspend, by decision, authorisation to provide degree programmes in a given field and at a given level of study. When authorisation is suspended the unit can not enroll new students and has to implement corrective measures. Afterwards PKA formulates an opinion on re-granting suspended authorisation. In the case of negative opinion of PKA, the minister withdraws authorisation awarded to the unit.
Course of evaluation.
Composition of panel of experts – 2 – 7 experts of PKA, depending on the scope of evaluation. In special cases Secretary of PKA may increase the number of experts in the evaluation panel.
Criteria and mode of appointing of experts are laid down in the procedure of selecting experts.
Self – evaluation report – a unit of the HEI (or units if there is more than one unit offering given programme) presents a report prepared in accordance with template published by PKA (please consult menu “Templates and procedures”). The report should be prepared in both traditional and electronic version (.doc or .docx). The number of copies is described in the cover letter from PKA. The HEI should also present study plans allowing for choosing the right time for the site visits.
Follow up report – the HEI prepares a report in accordance with template published by PKA (please consult menu “Templates and procedures”). The report shall be prepared both in traditional and electronic (.doc or .docx) version. The number of copies is described in a cover letter from PKA.
Evaluation report – HEI can comment on the report, opinions, assessments as well as present additional documents and explanations.
Course of appeal – HEI which is not satisfied with the resolution of PKA may submit (wihtin 30 days) request for reconsideration of the matter. Such request is passed to the Section for Appeals.
Appeal procedure – Section for Appeals that prepares detailed opinions which are presented by the Chair of the Section during the Presidium meeting. Members of the Presidium take decision on the basis of arguments presented, discussion and agreed conclusions (the Chair of the the Section for Appeals also has a voting right).